Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Is The Galactic Empire Really That Evil?

The second Death Star could fire a beam of love for all the rebels knew.

Hey, Yeah, I know, It's Star Wars. Every possible debate has been made about every subject and fans have already considered pretty much everything...Well okay not midi-chlorians...No one saw that one, but I really do not want to get into that mess. Let's picture it now. From the perspective of the protagonists, all we see is tons of pro-rebel propaganda speech. “All my friends have already left and joined the rebel-alliance” on that note...How does one just sign up for the rebel-alliance...It is not like they could have recruitment offices around the galaxy, the empire would just stamp them out. Yet someone like Luke is fully aware of how one should join up. If Luke can find out, then why not some empire spies?

Anyways, the rebel-alliance is good and the galactic empire is bad...I guess? You don't exactly see any major unrest in the galaxy which is at fault due to the presence of the empire. Oh wait, I hear you cry, what about Alderaan? Surely the mighty and twisted grasp of the empire had no mercy for all the people who lived there? Well yes...There is that transgression. That brings me to what may be the biggest problem with the system the empire has in place. It's entirely possible that Grand Moff Tarkin was acting alone when he made the decision to test the power of the Death Star. Hell Grand Moff Tarkin commands so much respect that he can even stay the hand of Darth Vader.

Grand Moff Tarkin as played by the late Peter Cushing: Vampire Hunter.

In fairness with regards to Alderaan...They were supporters of the rebel-alliance, and like most totalitarian states, they like to crush any source of rebellion. Unlike most totalitarian states however, the empire seems to leave the galaxy in reasonable peace and does good by the state of living of it's citizens where ever possible. If we assume there is no rebellion going on. Would there be a lot of cause for hate of the empire? They are a ruthless, no nonsense group but they have little affect to the average person than someone say...wanting to control the galaxy their own way...That to me, doesn't really sound much more moral a stand point than the empire. If the evil does truly evil things, we really do not see much of it during the course of the Star Wars movies.

This should really go without saying but keep in mind that this debate does not reflect my political views. I'd much sooner see a republic than an empire but I do think, given the evidence...Star Wars paints a far worse picture of the empire than it actually is. Also, spoilers.

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