Wednesday, 18 January 2012


The Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect Intellectual Property Act are bills that are trying to be passed in the US in the very near future. The goal is to stop online piracy but the bill will always allow those inclinded to go as far as to sue people over hosting images,videos and information online should they wish it. The bill will also allow your ISP to block any website that it feels is a breach of copyright law. ISP's in China already do this. Try searching "Tank Man" in China and you will find nothing. In short. Anyone who is found breaking the copyright law can serve up to five years in prison in America. This will effectively destroy the internet. Want to upload footage to youtube of you playing a game? Tough. Want to upload a cover of a song you just wrote...Also tough. It may seem like something that won't affect the UK for example but you may find that many companies also have branches in the UK and will most likely try to "protect" their IPs. I just wanted to get some awareness out there is all. Click here to see a short video about it.

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