Sunday, 13 November 2011

Uncharted 3 review

So here we go. First off I would like to admit to everyone that I did not play the first Uncharted game. I was a little late to the ps3 party and I heard that the first game had nothing which made the second awesome. Feel free to argue this point to me though. Second of all. Don't expect to see anything very new compared to the second game. You're just getting more of the same but with a different setting...some tweaks and a graphics boost. Okay? We cool with that? Awesome.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is very much the Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade of the uncharted world. It's an origin story with life a long goal and inner demons to fight. Now that's awesome for me. Last Crusade was my favourite Indy film and probably for those very reasons. There are quite a few returning characters in this game and to me they seemed to of made them far less annoying than in the second game. There are less jokes to Drake's character this time and it may be something for the best. He may be a modern Indy but he's not that cool in my book. Though you do get to play a little solo Marco Polo. The story seems to me about as long as in the second game. Give or take a little. I might just say that the second game tops it's length just ever so slightly. This may also be a good thing as this type of game does not really hold up at length.

The gameplay has not changed a whole lot between games. A couple of things here and there but if you played the second game then you know more or less everything about how Uncharted plays. The melee combat seems to of been made more fun. You can use your surroundings as a weapon now. It's fun to put someone against the wall and crack them with a bottle or something. Gun combat has changed somewhat...Less. It's the same cover based shooter it's always been but the guns seem to be pretty useless most of the time. Also enemies take an absurd amount of bullets to take down. I probably spend more time going in at melee range rather than shooting them.

Platforming has also not changed much, if at all. Platforming in Uncharted was always pretty good I felt so it's no surprise that it's good here also. They do spread them out a little more into shorter bursts of platform to combat moments but it's still pretty good. The cinematic gameplay gives you as much of a rush as the second game, if not more this time. There are some bits that feel very close and you almost feel like it's an open ended option. Puzzles are okay in the game but they are really quite easy and there aren't many. I wish they would make it more Indiana Jones in these bits and mix the cinematic gameplay with the puzzle solving.

I hear the multiplayer is good in the game but I honestly never tried it. You get a one time code for the multiplayer if you buy it new. That would be fine but most stores seem to be charging an absurd price for it preowned. It seems the multiplayer consists of co-op missions either online or splitscreen and a perk based competitive mode. I hear that the co-op has dynamic gameplay in which the you enter new areas via cinematic gameplay. I cannot Verify that for sure though.

I traded in my copy as soon as I finished it because the fact is...It's not the sort of game you'd expect to play more than once. As such I find it hard to suggest buying this game right now as you'll probably blaze through it quickly and never touch it again. Fans of online multiplayer games are no doubt already playing either Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3 so the online community will probably be stone dead before long. Don't get me wrong...It is very fun if you're into Assassins Creed meets Gears of War but it's not a massive change from the second game so as I'd guess that most would not care for the plot. It's probably going to be the same experience without it.

A short but fun game which does not really hold much replay value. 7/10

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